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Picoroom :: An SSB Room

This room is for old and new butts that have an interest in tech, development and/or design.

PicoRoom is a room in the Scuttlebutt Network. This room holds no user post data in storage. It instead allows butts to connect to each other and share messages if 2 or more are connected to the room at the same time.

PicoRoom is tailored towards tech, development and design enthusiasts. That doesn't mean that you're forced to talk about tech, dev and design. The room is open and free to all that want to gossip about anything!


This room opperates under Scuttlebutt's Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and connecting to this room you agree to abide by its terms.

Please reach out to Hendrik Peter (@Bp5Z5TQKv6E/Y+QZn/3LiDWMPi63EP8MHsXZ4tiIb2w= or @D86m8SriIOPQyiiVYXOx3IL4Hkx-rj633Vu7NCwZ2c4=) to give notice about or dispute behavior that isn't in line with the code of conduct.

Getting started

For now sign-up to this room is completely open. Simply click the Create new invite and follow the instructions. If you use Patchfox or Patchwork then you can simply confirm your connection to this server by clicking the open app link and opening the app in question. If you are a Patchwork or other client user, then click on the "open app" link, wait for it to fail (or hit cancel) and then proceed through manual setup when you see the white "Insert SSB ID" button pop up.

Once setup (in Patchwork) you can use the invite below to connect to the room in the "+ Join Server" overlay of the application: